New Year, New Me?

Do you start your new year like everyone else and make grand plans, create vision boards, and set big goals?  I honestly don't, usually.  This past year I've found myself in a place of discontent.  The best way to describe it is just always feeling like you're working toward the undefined "something."  Just spinning my wheels until some satisfaction is felt.  When I let myself slow down long enough to discover this feeling, it shook me.

I describe 2017 as "busy."  But when I'm honest with myself, I can't say that we traveled a ton, had a booming social life or even hit any crazy milestones.  We moved, yes.  We moved to a large metropolitan area from a small, sleepy town.  I was used to my child being in all-day daycare for only $120/week, only to discover the same care in our new city would cost $300/week, so B went to half-day preschool and we hired a sitter for still less than the monthly cost of all day daycare.  Now I find myself traveling the 30 minutes round trip to his school TWICE almost everyday.  That equals one hour of my work day.  The sitter comes in at 1:30 and leaves at 4:30, which ideally would give me the peace to get my work done, but there are still interruptions from time to time....then the expectation from the husband to be wrapped up by 5pm.  I get the side eye if I'm not, which he would deny.

This has created such a feeling of being rushed. All. The. Time. But at the same time, the idea of giving up my work-from-home benefit makes me cringe.  I hate commuting to the grocery store with the 800 red lights situated in the two miles between grocery and my house!

So, starting in 2018, the husband and I sat down and had some Real Talk.  This year, I'm going to be intentional.  About everything.

What has this looked like for us?  Well, we finally set a budget.  Dave Ramsey style.  We went all in, and now I'm scared (but it'll be worth it).  We have talked about individual vision boards, and I've started organizing my thoughts (and doing my research) on putting one together.  And we've been open about our career goals (neither of us really looooove our work).  JG and I have been married for ELEVEN years.  We've always sort of wanted the same things, and we've been able to give each other a great life!  We have not, however, really talked intentionally about our future, and this has opened up a whole new level of intimacy with us!  What a thought!  Have intentional, goal-setting conversations with your spouse?!

Since we've made these strides, I feel like I've read nothing but positive, encouraging words about the benefits of setting goals and having true personal expectations of yourself.  I think this will help to chip away at the discontent I've felt, and ultimately help uncover the "aha moment" I've been secretly wishing for.

What does this look like for you?


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