I don't think JG's slept in days, and I'm pretty sure his pre-game jitters had him nauseous last night.
Such an awesome time for the DAWGS!
Beat Bama!!
Some of my favorite, most cathartic posts at Kindredly were those where I vented about All The Things. I'm REALLY trying to live in a place of gratitude and positivity, BUT I'm human...so here goes. Thing 1: The School Parking Lot Truth: I've always hated the parking lot - even before I was pregnant and much more hormonal than usual. Now that I'm big (and the baby honestly feels like he may fall out some days) I really have ZERO patience for the able-bodied father who continuously parks his giant truck in the stripes or handicap space. Two weeks ago, I'd had enough. I stood outside the soccer gate waiting for B and stared this guy down as he was probably enjoying a quiet moment with Candy Crush while sitting in the stripes. He didn't make eye contact. I stared a HOLE in his head, so he was avoiding me. Since I wasn't able to confront him as I'd perfectly pictured in my mind, I wrote an email to the school for clarification (you know...
Three. And. A. Half. Weeks. That's all that's left of this pregnancy. I am SO. PUMPED. My c-section was moved up to 12:45. Thank you, Jesus. The not eating thing was super stressing me out, but I was also a little stressed about the ENTIRE day of anxiousness I'd feel while I waited on my 5PM surgery. Now, I get to the hospital at 10:30 on April 17th and we have this baby! Yay! I'm officially miserable. I really thought I was going to be cute pregnant this time, but my body just shuts that down. I also think that I subconsciously sabotage myself with thoughts like "...but you're pregnant, so you deserve to eat that entire box of donut holes. In 24 hours." It happened. Please don't judge me. I went to the doc yesterday, and the nurse whispers my weight as she writes it down. At first, I asked her to please refrain, but once I hit the 35lbs gained mark, I thought it was best I let myself be aware of the numb...
For me, 2018 has already started with focused attention on two areas of my life. 1. Finances. 2. Being More Fulfilled. JG and I have never stuck to a budget. We've put one together a time or two, but it's always fizzled quick. Each year, we use additional income to pay off our credit cards, and each year we say "next year, we'll use this money to take a vacation." We never do. We always end up having to pay off the credit cards. IT'S SO STUPID!!!!! I've been avoiding this topic in our marriage for years - mainly because I'm the culprit. I love to shop, and I am quick to put a card down if "I have to have it." I swear JG could live off $10 cash a week as long as he's kept fed (which is not my strong suit - more on that later?). Each year, JG doesn't bat an eye at the unnecessarily large payment we have to pay to make it go away. Don't get me wrong, he's part of it too - it's not alllllll mine, but if I'm...
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