It's 2018...

...and I'm back!

I don't even think people READ blogs anymore, but I missed my writing outlet - something about pouring it all out helps ease the crazy, I guess.

I decided to start a completely new blog for a completely new time in my life. I still have Kindredly, it's private (sorry). Because so much time, effort, and feeling went into it, I couldn't delete it, but it's no longer for public consumption.

Also, this layout is just temporary. We'll see if I can keep this up. If I do, I'll pour a little more effort into this space to make it look better than this. Hold judgement until further notice.

So for my brief introduction, I'm a mom of a four year old boy, B. I'm five months pregnant with another little boy, R.  I live just outside of Atlanta, Georgia with my husband, JG, said kid, and three dogs that I promise I used to love. We're your standard middle-class family working our butts off and trying not to live for the weekend. This blog will contain all of my snarky remarks about how I'm always just living for the weekend (#itsaseason?) while still trying to be a positive force to all those I come in contact with (it's hard. I fail often).

I hope some of my old followers will follow along here, and I'd love to hear from anyone new!
Happy New Year!


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