Creating My Vision

For me, 2018 has already started with focused attention on two areas of my life.

1. Finances.
2. Being More Fulfilled.

JG and I have never stuck to a budget.  We've put one together a time or two, but it's always fizzled quick.  Each year, we use additional income to pay off our credit cards, and each year we say "next year, we'll use this money to take a vacation."  We never do.  We always end up having to pay off the credit cards.   IT'S SO STUPID!!!!!  I've been avoiding this topic in our marriage for years - mainly because I'm the culprit.  I love to shop, and I am quick to put a card down if "I have to have it."  I swear JG could live off $10 cash a week as long as he's kept fed (which is not my strong suit - more on that later?).  Each year, JG doesn't bat an eye at the unnecessarily large payment we have to pay to make it go away.  Don't get me wrong, he's part of it too - it's not alllllll mine, but if I'm honest, I'm the bad influence here.  God's been pushing on me for a while to tackle this head on.  I've been resisting His urging, but with a new baby on the way, we cannot continue to have debt hanging over us.  So, I bought The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey and read it in a few days.  I've had people say he's too extreme, but his success stories are incredibly motivating.  I do think for those who are literally "drowning" in debt, going to extreme measures could be necessary.  Luckily for us, we're within the doable range with a few minor behavior adjustments (minus paying off my car and our house).  I will say that having our budget through Every Dollar, per Dave's guidance, has eased my stress tremendously.  Knowing that every dollar is accounted for makes spending way less guilt-inducing (granted, this month our budget was SUPER lean after the whole "let's count our debt" exercise).

Does your family have a budget?  Do you have a Total Money Makeover success story (not just the Dave Ramsey kind)?

I touched on the vision board in my last post.  My realtor-turned-awesome friend and I were lunching a couple of months ago, and this topic came up.  She's PASSIONATE about a VB because she was actually able to achieve all but two of the things she pinned up.  That's awesome!  I also know several people who naturally attract All Good Things who swear by VBs.  What am I doing with my life not having one?!  So, I did some research on what a good VB looks like.  There are tons of articles on Pinterest that will help to guide you (I don't recommend the one that urges you to go buy all the gold things - annoying - see "budget").  I used my blank office wall (that I've been searching for the perfect large piece of art to fill - it's now my vision!) and scotch/washi tape.

I focused on what I want this year.  Some of the big ones are our debt free lifestyle, to finally get long hair (come on pregnancy hair growth), refocusing my attitude to POSITIVE, spiritual reminders to lean on Jesus every day, getting my minimum pay where it should be (do yourself a favor and look up the Know Your Worth page on Glassdoor - if you're like me, you'll proceed to get realllllllll angry), and getting back in shape after (or during wouldn't hurt) pregnancy.  I also included images of Seaside, our favorite vacation spot, a baby nursery and master bedroom inspo.  These are all nice to haves, but not total must haves (except for the nursery, I guess).

I've been sitting in a lull with my job for the past several months.  Really, since my lackluster year end review (I guess my blah is showing?).  I'm going to really focus on what will inspire me professionally.  My current job allows me great maternity benefits, so I'm going to max out my time and reflect on what career direction I want to take.  It may mean a new direction for 2019, which is scary, but I'm ready to be honest with myself.  I posted pics of my fave, Sheryl Sandberg and of course, the mother of success, Oprah.  I have found that I gain the most momentum when I stop trying to prove something.  Corporate politics make you think you should act a certain way, but when I think back, I've experienced the most success at my company just being me.  That doesn't always fall in line with what everyone else is doing, but it doesn't matter.

Of course I have to shine some light on mama-ing.  This is my last baby, and I really want to soak in every (sometimes brutal) phase.  I'm challenging myself to take those first three months (known to some as hell) in stride and try to relax and enjoy.

Also, continued focus on my marriage.

I think for my very first vision board, I did pretty good.  It makes me happy to come in my office and look over everything and visualize what life will be like when it's all achieved.  It helps to put the most important things in perspective instead of constantly drowning in the never ending to-dos in my mind!

Are you a vision board builder?  Do you find it helps bring All The Good Things your way?
