The Final Countdown

Three. And. A. Half. Weeks.
That's all that's left of this pregnancy.  I am SO. PUMPED.

My c-section was moved up to 12:45.  Thank you, Jesus.  The not eating thing was super stressing me out, but I was also a little stressed about the ENTIRE day of anxiousness I'd feel while I waited on my 5PM surgery.  Now, I get to the hospital at 10:30 on April 17th and we have this baby!  Yay!

I'm officially miserable.  I really thought I was going to be cute pregnant this time, but my body just shuts that down.   I also think that I subconsciously sabotage myself with thoughts like "...but you're pregnant, so you deserve to eat that entire box of donut holes.  In 24 hours."  It happened.  Please don't judge me.  I went to the doc yesterday, and the nurse whispers my weight as she writes it down.  At first, I asked her to please refrain, but once I hit the 35lbs gained mark, I thought it was best I let myself be aware of the number.  I'm up to 54lbs gained, so postpartum should be fun.   Whatever.  I tell myself I got it off with Brooks, and I'll get it off this time.  It may take a minute considering I'm having this baby right at the beginning of margarita season, but I'll get there.  We'll call Summer 2018, "The Summer of the MuuMuu."

So, I'm also having this baby in the middle of one of my largest annual projects at work.  I'm a little freaked about leaving it half-completed for someone to jump in and take over, so we shipped Brooks off to Nana's for a few days, so I could work uninterrupted for the rest of this week.  He's also splitting his spring break between the two grandparents, so I'll have another week of uninterrupted work time to hopefully tackle as much of this project as possible before my last day on April 13.  Adulting is hard.

Anyway, it's happening.  I wanted to post my update to no one (maybe one day I'll share this blog information, but for now it kind of feels like a fun little journal).  I'm starting to swell, but the carpal tunnel is still at bay for now.   JG swears I'm not as big as I was with Brooks; although, the scale seems to think otherwise.  Also, he's one pound away from his goal weight.   I'm two pounds away from his goal weight.  Let that sink in.  In all seriousness, I'm SUPER proud of him.  He looks fantastic, and I can tell he feels great too.  I just hope he's still all gung-ho about this diet on April 18th!


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