
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Things

Some of my favorite, most cathartic posts at Kindredly were those where I vented about All The Things.  I'm REALLY trying to live in a place of gratitude and positivity, BUT I'm here goes. Thing 1:  The School Parking Lot Truth: I've always hated the parking lot - even before I was pregnant and much more hormonal than usual.  Now that I'm big (and the baby honestly feels like he may fall out some days) I really have ZERO patience for the able-bodied father who continuously parks his giant truck in the stripes or handicap space.  Two weeks ago, I'd had enough.  I stood outside the soccer gate waiting for B and stared this guy down as he was probably enjoying a quiet moment with Candy Crush while sitting in the stripes.  He didn't make eye contact.  I stared a HOLE in his head, so he was avoiding me.  Since I wasn't able to confront him as I'd perfectly pictured in my mind, I wrote an email to the school for clarification (you know, befor